
September 14th and 15th, 2013

 Via Lunga 20/b, Ristorante il Pescatore - Anzola dell’Emilia (Bologna - Italy)

The teams entered


Quick Info

The 14th European Club Championships will be played in according to the ICF Canoe Polo Rules.

  • Start: Saturday 14th of September. The competition starts with the team leader meeting Saturday morning.
  • End: Sunday 15th of September with price giving ceremony.
  • Accreditation will be made 13th September from 14.00 to 22.00. Players must present their Club ID cards and passport.
  • Applications should be made by the concerned National Federations
  • Each participating team must provide an accredited ICF CP Referees (or top grade National referees), linesman and employees to the table.
  • The competition will take place in 4 playgrounds. We will play with time out after a goal and extra time 5 min with golden goal
  • Money prizes will be awarded for first, second and third in each category. (Remember: For getting the prize the team must be present at the prize giving ceremony!)
  • The entry fee for team is €100,00 paid in full 21 days before the competition. Failure to submit an entry fee will mean non-acceptance to the competition.
  • Entries close on 31/8 and may be conducted by bank transfer to:

A.S.D. Canoa Club Bologna
IBAN: IT55H0335901600100000064670
Bank: Banca Prossima




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